
Prague district map

Prague city map districts. Prague district map (Bohemia - Czechia) to print. Prague district map (Bohemia - Czechia) to download. The district of Prague gives a quick overview of the Czech city and the districts of Prague. A glance at the map shows that Prague is divided into several districts. Although most visitors want to stay in the Old Town, many districts bordering Prague are close to major tourist attractions and offer better value for money.

Prague city map districts

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Prague is divided into 22 administrative districts visible on the map of Prague district. In the first district, visitors will find the main attractions of the city. The higher the district number, the further it is from the city center. The District Map of Prague is convenient for finding accommodation in Prague.
You will find on this page the map of the districts of Prague. Prague is politically divided into 22 districts numbered from 01 to 22, and each district consists of smaller cadastral areas as shown by the map of Prague with its districts. The most popular districts are those located in District 1 (Old Town, Small Town, Josefov, Hradcany) and District 2 (New Town, Vysehrad, Nusle, Vinohrady).