
Prague bus map

Praha bus map. Prague bus map (Bohemia - Czechia) to print. Prague bus map (Bohemia - Czechia) to download. Buses in Prague have been designed to serve the area around the city as shown by the Prague bus map. To move in the center of Prague it is better to use the metro and trams network. The two most useful bus routes for travelers are 119 and 110. These bus lines provide access to the center of Prague from the airport.
The Prague bus map shows all Prague bus stations. The bus intervals in Prague are from 2 to 20 minutes, depending on the location, the hours and the day of the week. Bus passengers in Prague must buy a ticket before entering the bus. Tickets can be purchased in automatic machines. You can also buy Prague bus tickets via SMS.
In Prague, there are very few buses in the city center, which mainly serve the suburbs. The stations are indicated on the Prague bus map. Ticket prices are the same as in the city center of Prague. Prague buses are very convenient for reaching the distant points of interest such as the Prague Zoo (bus 112), or the Prague Airport (bus 119).