
Prague bus station map

Map of prague bus station. Prague bus station map (Bohemia - Czechia) to print. Prague bus station map (Bohemia - Czechia) to download. The map of the Prague bus station shows the city bus lines. The schedules of the urban buses are the same as for the trams. If you want to visit the cities near Prague, the five most important bus stations in Prague are: - Florenc: Prague 8, Krizikova - Na Knízecí: Prague 5, Nádrazní - Holesovice: Prague 7, Partyzánská - Roztyly: Prague 4, Rysavého - Cerny Most: Prague 9

Map of prague bus station

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Bus Station in prague map covers the entire city of Prague. Buses 100 to 291 operate during the day, their schedules are specified on each stop. There are also bus lines that operate after midnight, when the metro and trams no longer work. The bus lines from 501 to 513 operate all night from midnight to 4:30 in the morning.