
Prague parking zones map

Prague free parking map. Prague parking zones map (Bohemia - Czechia) to print. Prague parking zones map (Bohemia - Czechia) to download. Finding a parking place in Prague can be very difficult. The map of the Prague parking areas will help you. Most of the city center car parks are reserved for locals. So you will have to look for public places with machines that issue temporary permits. To use the machines and place the ticket in a visible place on the dashboard.

Prague free parking map

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While parking spaces with parking meters can be found everywhere in Prague, these areas are not very numerous, as shown by the map of the Prague parking areas. Parking areas have been introduced in many districts of Prague: - green: parking max. 6 hours (30 CZK for 1 hour); - orange: short stop parking (40 CZK for 1 hour); - blue: parking for residents of the neighborhood exclusively.
In areas painted blue on the ground and indicated by a specific sign, you can park your vehicle freely from 06:00 to 08:00. The map of Prague's parking areas will guide you. To park during the other 22 hours of the day, you must obtain a parking card or "Parkovaci karta". The map of Prague parking is available on this page.