
Prague street map

Street map of prague czech republic. Prague street map (Bohemia - Czechia) to print. Prague street map (Bohemia - Czechia) to download. The street map of Prague will show you the main neighborhoods of this city: the Old Town and its magnificent network of hidden alleyways and tunnels, the Jewish city, the original and Baroque Malá Strana, the Castle district ... This selection visit will be an opportunity to get acquainted with the map of the streets of Prague.

Street map of prague czech republic

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In Prague, the orientation can be difficult in the Old Town, due to its medieval character. The streets are winding and the alleys are narrow. The street map of Prague will be very useful. Things are much simpler in other neighborhoods, where the streets are more regular. At each street corner is a plaque bearing the name of the street, the name of the neighborhood and the name of the borough.
It is interesting to note, as the street map of Prague shows, some streets had a name in three languages: Latin, German and Czech. Curiously, these appellations were not always a reciprocal and faithful translation. Thus, appellations and names in Latin or German could differ from that in Czech. Fortunately the street map of Prague is reliable.